Virtual Intercom-What We Do?
The South India's first, 100% software-based Intercom Server, is designed specifically to integrate seamlessly into the flexible, dynamic world of virtual IT environments. It is here that the Software Intercom Server shows its true talents and great benefits, same functionality as its hardware-based cousins at remarkably low investment and operating costs.These systems are of course available wired or wireless configurations, in audio and video setups, both of which have their benefits but also come at different price points depending on the technology used.

Need help using your Intercom System?
Coordinating the logistics and technical quality for distribution of broadcast content
Providing control room to remote studio communications
Enabling remote producer communications to home base
Local edit room communications
Replacement of analog intercom telephone interfaces with VCOM acting as a SIP interface server
VCOM on Handhelds and iPak for studio wireless communications and belt-pack applications
SmartMic conference talk-back systems for use in studio audience talk shows
Features & Benefits
- IoIP – SIP – 2-Wire – 4-Wire and Backward Compatibility
- IT Security
- Control Desk Management and Multi-Site Networking
- Interfaces and Technology Partners
- Perfect intelligibility and Audio Features
- Controlling, Monitoring and Automation
- Logs, Reports and Audio/Video-Recording
- Self monitoring systems and redundancy
- Unified Public Address
- Public Address via IP
- Radio Solutions by Commend
- Advanced Security Building Intercom Solutions (ASBIS)