How Home Automation Can Help You?
Almost every electrical device and system in your home can be automated, Managed via a smart device or DLP panel, centralized or autonomous control has never been so easy. This provides you with improved convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency. Think of a Crabtree home automation system as a unseen housekeeper, who's always there to give you a helping hand.

Live in the Future
Home Automation At A Glance:
FASTEST IN SOUTH INDIA: Powered with proprietary Protocol Cube-R, Cubical offers the fastest smart home experience with a latency of only 200 mili seconds.
SECURE: Completely Fool-Proof and Wireless Home security with 3 Years of Battery Life.
VOICE COMMANDS: Cubical Home Automation can be integrated with Amazon Echo and Google Home. Now control your home using voice commands.
ENERGY MONITORING: Our Switches track electricity consumption of each device in real-time & collect this data for further analysis.
CONTROL: Easily access all your appliances from anywhere just by a click on your smartphone.
REGULATING And SCHEDULING: You can regulate your fan or can control the intensity of lights and can schedule these activities at a time of your own choice.
NO REWIRING: No rewiring required and Aeva can be integrated with existing appliances.